2024 Western States ORC Conference Agenda
Sept 10-12
583 W eBay Way
Draper, UT
SEPT 10, 2024 Day 1
Registration Begins at 7 AM
8AM – 830AM
Conference Opening
Introduction of ORCAS
Introduction of vendors
Welcome and introduction of the Western States ORCAs being represented at the conference along with vendors supporting the conference.
830AM - 9AM​
WSORCA Award Presentation
Conference Recognition Awards
Vision Award
Recognizing the leaders, innovators, and difference makers in the fight against organized retail crime.
9AM – 10AM
Keynote Address on ORC
Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes
Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes has been the leading force in the fight against Organized Retail Crime in Utah, setting an example and leading the way for other states.
10AM - 1030AM​
Vendor Coffee Break
Sponsor – Thomson Reuters
Presentation - Patrick Fischenich
Enjoy coffee and snacks in the Vendor and ORCA rooms, courtesy of Thomson Reuters
1030AM – 12PM ​
Open-Source Investigations
Detective Sean Smith
Learn the latest technology and methods in open-source investigations by industry expert Sean Smith.
12PM – 1PM
Lunch provided. Vendor and ORCA rooms open.
ORC Commanders Task Force Luncheon
Sponsor - Auror
Invitation Only
Virtual Option Available
1PM – 245PM ​
ORC Interviewing and Building Partnerships
Chris Norris, Wicklander & Zulawski
When intelligence gathering, what does law enforcement need from retail investigators and what would retailers want from law enforcement?
245PM – 315PM
Vendor Coffee Break
Sponsor - Safe Haven Defense
Presentation - Ted Czajkowski
Enjoy beverages and snacks in the Vendor and ORCA rooms, courtesy of Safe Haven Defense
315PM – 415PM
Staying Safe in the Shadows
Ross Hay, Vigilare
Nancy Amoroso, Vigilare
Subject Matter Experts examine and break down case studies, warning signs and lessons learned to increase investigator's safety and effectiveness while conducting Covert Mobile Surveillance.
415PM – 5PM​
3SI as an ORC Solution Provider
Jason Daughrity, Sr. Project Coordinator, 3SI
The presentation will discuss the national perspective of ORC and discuss the 3SI solution provider resources.
6PM - 8PM
Night One Networking Event
Sponsor - LVT
Pins and Ales
12101 State St, Draper, UT 84020
Join us for an after-hours networking event with appetizers sponsored by LVT
SEPT 11, 2024 Day 2
Honor Guard Opening
810AM – 9AM
ORC Task Force Panel
Theresa Turner – Deputy District Attorney Organized Retail Theft Task Force
Sergeant Patrick Flynn – Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Detective Mike Zacher – Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office
Commander James Russell – Utah CASE Unit
Moderator – Alexander Snyder
Learn about ORC task forces from creation and funding to execution and investigations with a panel of task force leaders from across the west.
9AM – 10AM
Day Two Keynote Speaker
Beyond the Frontline and Current Paradigms: Bridging Proactive Prevention and Strategic Investigation in Organized Retail Crime Control
Cory Lowe, PhD, LPRC
In the evolving landscape of organized retail crime, success hinges on a balanced approach that combines proactive prevention with reactive investigation. This keynote will explore the critical need for dual strategies—leveraging product protection techniques that generate "breadcrumbs" that can be leveraged for investigations, as well as valuable incident and case data to fuel future preventive efforts. Attendees will gain insights into how these interconnected practices not only deter crime but also empower both retailers and law enforcement to track, analyze, and respond to threats with precision and effectiveness. Join us to discover how to move to the next era of organized retail crime control.
10AM - 1030AM​
Vendor Coffee Break
Sponsor - Metro One
Enjoy coffee and snacks in the Vendor and ORCA rooms, courtesy of Metro One
1030AM - 11AM​
ORCA Leadership Panel
Leaders from the western states discuss the issues impacting their orcas and the work being done to impact the future of ORC in the west.
Jake Crank - Nevada ORCA President
Jeremy Girard - Oregon ORCA President Retail
Detective Mike Zacher - Oregon ORCA President Law Enforcement
Carl Kleinknecht - Washington ORCA Vice President
​Moderator - Paul Korec
1100AM – 12PM​
Fast Pass to Prosecution for Retailers
Preston Schaub, Deputy Prosecutor Yolo County
Andrew Bornhoeft, Investigator Yolo County
An innovative direct theft reporting system
12PM – 1PM​
LUNCH BREAK - Chick-fil-A
Lunch provided. Vendor and ORCA rooms open
1PM – 2PM​
Chinese Gift Card Money Laundering (Operation Red Hook)
Keith Kearley, HSI
Combatting Transnational Organized Crime Committed by Chinese Nationals via Money Laundering Through Gift Card Crimes
2PM – 245PM​
Briefing on Romanian Organized Crime
Seth Fiore, HSI
Federal Overview of Romanian Organized Crime; Successes, Challenges, and Options
245PM – 315PM​
Vendor Coffee Break
Sponsor - Motorola
Enjoy beverages and snacks in the Vendor and ORCA rooms, courtesy of Motorola
315pm – 415PM
Retail Theft and Federal Forfeiture
Tonya Andrews, AUSA
In this presentation, AUSA Andrews will talk about strategies to employ federal remedies for retail theft, specifically forfeiture. She will discuss how to investigate and identify a federal crime in an area primarily conducted regionally. She will also discuss the methods for identifying and forfeiting assets traceable to retail theft criminal organizations.
415PM – 5PM
The National ORCA Movement
Raul Agular, Sr. Director of Law Enforcement Partnerships, Auror
Our mission is to transform how communities report, solve, and prevent crime.
SEPT 12, 2024 – Day 3 (4 hours)
8AM - 9AM
Coordinating Retail Crime Missions:
Law Enforcement and Asset Protection Considerations for Increasing Mission Efficiency and Success
Det. Mike Zacher, Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office
Are you looking to coordinate your first retail crime mission and looking for some tips?
Have you conducted multiple missions and are looking for ways to improve their efficiency?
This presentation will address factors to consider when planning retail crime missions such as: determining mission location, availability of law enforcement and asset protection resources, available tools and techniques, delegation of resources, partnerships with corrections, evidence technicians and district/ prosecuting attorney’s offices and managing discovery. Can your mission be multi-faceted and address retail crime as well as auto, bicycle, and package thefts? These topics will be discussed among several others.
9AM - 10AM
Card Reader Skimmers-Developing Investigations
Lee Frasier, Walmart
Terry Woodman, Target
10AM - 1030AM
Vendor Coffee Break
Sponsor – Safe Haven Defense
Enjoy coffee and snacks in the Vendor and ORCA rooms, courtesy of Safe Haven Defense
Washington Eastern European Fences
Jeremy Girard Field Investigations, Target
Detective Brian Jordan, Renton Police
Learn key lessons on the investigation and prosecution of extensive organized retail crime case involving a fencing location.
1130AM - 12PM